
East Africa Energy Innovation Lab

Fair, green and secure energy futures in East Africa require changes to policy, markets and mind-sets that defy blueprints and demand disruptive innovation.To achieve that Natural Innovation has been supporting the Institute of Environment and Development (IIED) and HIVOS to develop  an energy lab that can spur innovation in policy, business models and capacity across government, civil society and the private sector.

energy futuresWe are supporting IIED and Hivos to,

  • develop the partnership and emergent lab core-team
  • map the innovation-ecology and energy context in East Africa
  • develop a innovation lab strategy embedded in the  specific regional contex
  • find entry points for an initial portfolio of activities

Both Hivos and IIED have an extensive global trackrecord on developing knowledge and programmes on energy transitions in Africa and Asia. The key challenge is to build a team of local convenors and to pick viable points of entry.

Hendrik TiesingaEast Africa Energy Innovation Lab